We are accustomed to having our progress measured in many ways. We are given tests in school, evaluations at work, and physicals at the doctor’s office. However, we go through our life without really thinking about our social or even more important our spiritual growth. As Jesus grew from a child to an adult, He “increased” in wisdom and stature with God and man. The better people got to know Jesus the more they learned to trust Him. All admired His wisdom. In the same manner as Jesus grew in His relationship with God, He continued to please God.
We are to follow Jesus’ example. The apostle Paul said that when he was a new Christian, he behaved as a spiritual child, but as he matured in his faith, he began to act like a spiritual adult (1 Cor. 13:11). The obligation of every Christian is to strive for maturity (Heb. 6:1).
As a new believer we may have a hard time relating to others or walking in wisdom, we may battle sin, anger, or unforgiven but the longer we walk with the Lord the more we should live and act as He does, in our own personal life and with others. As you grow, God will become increasingly more satisfied with your obedience to Him.
Along the way it is important to gauge our progress through God’s Word and accountability with a mature Christian. Be honest about your life and actions with them and let them help you know in what areas you still need to grow and in what areas you are maturing well. Don’t ever settle and become satisfied with less than a fully developed relationship with the Lord. If we measure our progress in all other areas then be sure to measure the progress of your growth with God and man.
In His Service,
Eric Barnes
Eric Barnes