(Read 1 Peter 1:3-9)
We must learn to approach God with a thankful heart. We should reflect and praise Him for His faithfulness. When we do praise Him in thankfulness it immediately helps dispel all manner of fear and replenishes the heart with His peace.
We must learn to be thankful in every circumstance, even in hardship. This is vital truth to grasp. Only when we can find reason for thanking Him in our trials can we fully understand how He is working in the midst of them. He desires us not to look at our current circumstances. Instead like Peter, He says fix our gaze on God. God is calling out to you in the midst of the storm, and He will make possible the impossible. This will glorify God, because we are demonstrating a heart of faith while reflecting on His faithfulness.
God’s hand is always operating around us. He is an invisible force, so His work is not readily seen. We must be intentional about this. We must consider what He may be doing in our life and then learn to just walk in sync with His steps believing wherever He leads.
Thankfulness will help us in this process. Not only will it guide our heart with the right attitude, but it will also open our eyes to His workmanship. In the midst of our trial, we will see how He is already hard at work behind the scenes, working everything together for good –even if we are not yet experiencing that good.
Let’s learn how to show our faith or trust in His ability by being grateful even when we’ve yet to see the results. By this we also testify to the world that we have a living hope.
In His Service,
Eric Barnes