…remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts 20:35
As we kick-off our Operation Christmas Child ministry season we need to thank God for the ability to give. He supplies us so that we may supply to others.
We are asking our whole church family to consider helping with this outreach ministry. God has planted within each of us a heart that desires to give to others in need. As we become more like Christ we desire the same things He does – we began to think of others before ourselves. We begin to look out for the weak and care for the hurting. We desire others to know the love of Christ. Our greatest want is that others may know and experience the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
This ministry meets all those desires and it is something all people can be a part of. Also, as we read in Acts 20:35, this provides us as givers the experience of great blessing. We can experience the blessing of obeying God, submitting to His Lordship, displaying His heart, trusting His provision, and helping advance His Kingdom.
Please consider helping us reach 1000 children this year with the gift of God’s love. If you have any questions in the process please feel free to call the church office. Remember, whatever Sunday you want to, you can bring your boxes to the alter. Thanks for your help, hope to see you and your boxes this Sunday!
In His Service, Eric Barnes