All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Sunday morning, as part of our conclusion to the sermon, we looked at the above verse to remind ourselves that it is God’s Word that can help us guard our hearts from sin. In Sunday School we continued this discussion and we talked seriously about the power of God’s Word alive in our lives. Ultimately we talked about the different powers God makes available to us in the reading of, the hearing of, and the memorization of God’s Word.
I believe our “equipping” comes from memorizing or hiding the Word in our hearts. It can be used for ministry with others, to encourage or speak into our own life circumstances as encouragement and strength as well as being useful for decision making. So we know the importance of our scripture memory however we don’t practice it enough. Many say they just can’t remember things, or it is too hard for them– we all doubt our ability to memorize scripture but we can do it if we really try (It is God’s will for you that you hide His Word in your heart so He will allow you to be able to memorize His Word).
Here are some tips!
1. Write it on a card or paper and carry it with you or place it where you will see it often. (car, bathroom mirror)
1. Write it on a card or paper and carry it with you or place it where you will see it often. (car, bathroom mirror)
2. Say it out loud. There is something important about seeing it, thinking it, and hearing it,even from your own mouth.
3. Say it the same way each time. Repeating the same act over the same way helps you remember. Try it by saying the reference, the verse, and the reference again. This will help fix the passage firmly in your mind.
4. Say it one phrase at a time. If it is a longer verse, memorize it one phrase at a time, adding each phrase in order till you have it all. (Example: Jn 10:10 / The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy (repeat) / I have come that you may have life abundantly./ Jn 10:10(repeat)
5. Say it again and again until you have it. The real secret is review, review, review. Quote it often, tell someone else or try to put it to use, think about the verses meaning and ask God to help you understand and apply it.
6. Move on to a new verse! Never stop learning until you are home (heaven). Start today, use the verse at the top of the page. Do your best and remember God desires you know His Word, He gave you a great mind and the Holy Spirit to help—- He won’t let you fail.
In His Service,
Eric Barnes